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Future of the Reading Room – A chance to input your views

{The below is also printed in the May edition of The Bridge}

Prior to the pandemic there was a public meeting at which the Reading Room trustees told those present about the options facing them; (a) RR on care and maintenance, (b) try and raise large sums to renovate the RR over the coming years or (c) invite the village to consider building a new hall.

To help with the process we now feel that it is appropriate to invite the village to complete a new survey about their interest, or not, in having the Reading Room / village hall and what use they would make of it.

We would appreciate everyone answering as many questions as they feel able to comment on to ensure we get the widest view.


There is also an option to indicate that you would like to get more involved and volunteer your professional skills to support the village hall project, whatever form it may take.  

Please complete online (or the form  by 15th May at latest if you can, so we can hopefully report summary results in the June Bridge.


Those wishing to hand in their responses may do so to any of the RR committee members living close to them or pop it into the letter box at the RR, or 86 Lyes Green.

If you answer on-line it will be easier to process and hopefully easier for you as well.


Use this link detail to access the survey online.


You can also download  a pdf version of the form here.  If you run out of space to write commetns, feel free to add further notes and attach them!

The on-lone survey and the prointed form have identical questions but if you can use the on-line version it will make it easier to summarise the results.

It is worth reminding people that if grants are to be obtained, even to do limited refurbishment to the Reading Room, we will need to demonstrate that the village community is behind the project. This survey could help provide that evidence.


A working party/group has been established to look at the possibilities for a new hall and how best to keep the village informed and consulted, this survey will help inform that group as well. It is very much hoped to be able to hold a face-to-face public meeting in July, and it is probable that a further survey will follow that meeting.

RR Committee members who will be happy to receive your printed form if you chose not to do the survey on-line.:

David Carruthers, Clare Firman-Ford, Liz Garrett, Vanessa Hyde, Jackie Jaspar, Gill Parkinson, Jenny Rutty, Hugh Deed.

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