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Latest Additions

TRUSTEES REQUIRED to join the team!


The Reading Room needs new trustees to join the team and who are prepared to take on being Chairman soon as well as other tasks (eg Website/IT/ Social Media).

We do now have a new trustee for the previously advertised Treasurer role.

Do you know someone who might like to join??

Please ensure people are aware and consider if they can give the limited time necessary to support the RR in some capacity.

It will be easier if they get involved before the existing post holders leave and so be better prepared.

Contact or any existing trustee as listed in The Bridge. 



Interested in seeing films (DVDs, streaming) with friends at the hall - a "film club" of sorts?  If so click here and read more.....and register your interest.


We have been awarded a grant by the Wiltshire Area Board to pay for the licence for this for the first year!

Roof Refurbishment:

All complete.

For fuller details please see the specific page.

With thanks to our grant funders, local companies and residents who donated.


We also acknowledge, with thanks, a donation from TMTI and support of Callaway Scaffolds.


Coffee Mornings -

There will be NO Coffee Morning in August.


It may or may not restart in the Autumn. If you want it to restart then volunteer to get involved running it

It is an opportunity to meet others in the village and

catch up on the gossip!

Public Events


Coffee Mornings
Not in August - may or may not restart after...


Some past events:

Corsley History event


corsley history poster  5.jpg

Corsley Film Festival 2024


A part of the London Mountain Film Festival

On 23 Feb & 8th March 2024


Xmas Fair 2023

Saturday 11th November 2023


The Wooden Wonder
(Mosquito talk by Peter Whyte)

February 23rd 2023

Noble Ambitions talk by Adrian Tinniswood (author)

February 24th 2022
Read more.


Photo Exhibition


© 2024 Corsley Reading Room Charity registered in England & Wales No 1020542                                               

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