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Films at the Reading Room

Last update 24/2/24

The idea of the RR taking out a (MPRC) licence is under consideration.


Such a licence allows, for example, DVDs, and Streaming services to be shown but with a number of restrictions meaning that it is far cheaper than the arrangements under which we ran the Corsley Cinema.    

The idea of a membership club which can then share with its members any film they have access to on DVD, Netflix etc. is therefore being investigated. It could of course decide to also buy DVDs as a club and show those.


The below text is to be /was issued at the recent Film Festival evening, please read it and decide if you are interested.   


If you are interested to find out more and/or help create the club then please click here to register your interest or send an email as per below. No commitment at this stage.


Are you interested in a film club here in Corsley?

Big screen! Very cheap! Social! Bar!

Would you like to be part of a local group watching movies, perhaps 6 times a year?


Then it could be that a “Corsley Film Club” is the answer.


In outline, the club members would decide the membership rules, how often to meet, what to view and it could be from DVD, Streaming services or the like. An annual membership fee would be charged.


 Such a “club” would be covered by a different (and far less costly) licence for its private showings compared to the one used by the previous public Corsley Cinema. It is only legal for a “private” approach, and not allowed for “local cinema” and public access showings.  The licence would be taken out by the Corsley Reading Room. The details of the licence will be presented at a proposed meeting assuming there is sufficient interest.


The "club" could be set up to cater for differing interest groups and / or times of day. It should be assumed that membership is for over 18s only.


The precise arrangements and format will depend on the numbers and discussions at the initial meeting. The indicative annual membership could be as little as £10 per person a year.


To be contacted with more details and invited to a meeting to discuss, please:

Email with a subject of “Count me in” to indicate your interest

© 2024 Corsley Reading Room Charity registered in England & Wales No 1020542                                               

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